Thursday, August 27, 2009

She left.

didnt even bother to tell me .

how sad

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I am done with the two assignments for this week




hand calculation due on fri

next week another two quiz

Can I have 48 hours a day ?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009

OH monday

I never like monday =(

I skipped 9am class . overslept.

monday and period pain

kill me please . ARGGGHHH



1.You come out of a lecture and feel that you wouldn’t mind being hit by a bus. ( i feel like killing myself after fluid tute )

2.You are doing maths that the maths students don’t cover until the 2nd year.

3.Using a hyphen (-) instead of a minus (−) loses you 1% of the module.

4.You know the Greek and Arabic alphabets better than the language students.

5.A 4 hour day is an easy day.

6.A 9 hour day is still an easy day.

7.You are up at 3am in the morning trying to finish yet another piece of coursework asking yourself… why?

8.Shelf stacking at Tesco looks like an attractive career option.

9.You come out of tutorials feeling like you have just gone 12 rounds with Mike Tyson.

10.You feel bitter contempt towards anyone complaining of 2 lectures in a row.

11.Someone complains about ‘take away exams’ you feel a sudden urge to hospitalise them.

12.A lecture on Control Engineering leaves your ass raw and bleeding. ( I dunno whats control eng but i feel like dying after a lecture of fluid/math B/heat and mass )

13.Even Sunday starts at 9am.

14.It’s the norm that you can’t fit an equation on 1 line of a page. ( they need one whole page )

15.Handing in an assignment just means that’s there’s a new one to complete.

16.Time is measured in submission deadlines. ( and exam timeeeee )

17.You could run a marathon in the time it takes to do 1 question. ( SO TRUEEE !!! )

18.24 hours in a day doesn’t seem enough.

19.You find out you have 3x as many exams as practically everyone else.

20.You frequently ask yourself why the f**k are you doing this.

21.You are used to covering a ridiculously large span of subjects to the same standard as the respective degree students.

22.Breasts in a lecture theatre generally means theres a guy who's let himself go a bit. ( HAHAHAHA yeaaa )

23.You would assume a horse is a sphere to make the maths easier.

24.Your best friend is your calculator.

*lol i saw this on fb and i fount that it's quite true =p*

Saturday, August 8, 2009

A day out in puchong

Last thursday kerry brought me to puchong to play with her cute little zebra kite and dinner at pasar malam in OUG.The funny zebra kite

I dont really enjoy running around .
End up having picnic with fattie at the park. =p

fattie and miss-never-pick-up-call

trying to fly the kite

it's me and the funny lookin kite .

I dont know if I am still losing weight or what . my pants keep dropping . -__-

Then we went off to OUG


the two guys

I found this photo of me and little pook ( I call him jacob now, he looks like a wolf . at times =p )
he looks exactly like a teddy bear in this photo .

Tuesday quiz
Wednesday quiz

ARGGGHHH . how =(


kerry made this do this tag .

= 你的名字 : jingwen

= 现在几点: 7.02pm
= 你现在正在听什么歌: nothing
= 在回答这封信前你吃过什么? curry laksa
= 在回答这封信前你在做什么: reading twilight
= 你现在在哪里: at home

= 现在的天气如何: HOT
= 上一次吹蜡烛的数目: i dunno

= 你通常吹熄这些蜡烛的日期: 18th april

= 你们家养过什么动物: dog

= 有写部落吗: yup

= 星座:aries
= 你有纹身吗: noooope
= 有打几个耳洞: 1

= 目前有男/女友吗:no
= 认为自己花心吗: no

= 喝过酒吗: yeap

= 喝醉的糗事: ----
= 曾经出过车祸吗: ermmm yea
= 喜欢目前的生活吗: erm kinda

= 不爱吃的东西: milk , cheese , pear , papaya, and alot more
= 喜欢吃的东西: Chocolate

= 喜欢喝什么: coke
= 最喜欢的数字: 14

= 最喜欢的电影: dunno
= 喜欢看哪一种电影类型: comedy
= 喜欢的卡通人物: chibi maruko =D
= 喜欢的品牌 : hahaha ELL-VEE
= 最怀念的日子: highschool

= 最伤心的日子: ermmm
最喜欢星期几: friday

= 最喜欢的季节: winter

= 喜欢的花: ....

= 喜欢的运动: nahhhh ...
= 喜欢的冰淇淋类型: orange

= 最怕什么: lizard

= 如果有来世: be bill gate's daugther

= 最讨厌的事: ---

= 喜欢的事: sleeep
= 专长的事: stone
= 想做什么职业 : hahahaha shell
= 你们家住几楼 : 4
= 觉得自己十年后会在哪里: no idea

= 无聊的时候你大多会做些什么: sleep
= 目前最恼人的事: quiz

= 觉得同性恋如何: okok

= 如果有人误会你: oooohhhh dun care
= 想过要怎么对付你讨厌的人吗: dun careeee

= 通常几点上床睡觉: depends

= 你觉得谁会先回这封信: no one

= 你觉得谁是最不可能回复的人: kerry haha

= 你现在最想见的人: raymond and wu ta yeong
= 你想在几岁结婚: no idea

= 有想过自杀吗: yea
=最希望谁回信: no one

= 想不想和发邮件给你的人一起吃个便饭: absolutely

=对这封信息的感想: kerry asked me to do this

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Kerry u know i love you

The story begins with pookie is feeling sick . (cause he didn't jump around, didn't bark for no reason and stop being a biting machine)

Jingwen on twitter says (8:31 PM):
he sleeping

kerry says (8:31 PM):
just after u ruined my reputation
said i would be jumping dancing celebrating
u shud say
i m pretty upset over his sickness . c i m sad

Jingwen on twitter says (8:32 PM):

kerry says (8:32 PM):
very sad indeed

Jingwen on twitter says (8:32 PM):
how sad r u

kerry says (8:32 PM):
i couldnt stay sick anymore tat shows i m quite sad, i reckon good one hahahah

Jingwen on twitter says (8:32 PM):
hahahahaha speechless

bout 1 minute later

kerry says (8:33 PM):
haha i m very lame it is time to reduce it
kerry seng said so

I proudly present to you


I removed the photo =(
Kerry says no photo can be posted here. So sad. T_T

Saturday, August 1, 2009


and pookie just peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-eeed in my car .